ACTION ALERT: Oppose Cuts to MD Land Conservation Programs

March 19, 2015—Funding for Maryland’s parks, recreation and farmland preservation is in jeopardy.

Maryland preserves important land all across our state through Program Open Space, which is funded by the real estate transfer tax. In recent tough economic times these funds were diverted and replaced with bonds. In this year’s proposed budget, $115 million of funding is being diverted, there are no promises for future repayments and previous promises to repay are being stripped from the budget.

Now is the time to stand up for land conservation.

Help protect Maryland land conservation programs by asking your legislators to restore Open Space funds in the 2016 budget. The future of Maryland’s precious farms, open spaces and priceless ecological resources depends on it.

We can’t afford to lose open space funding—especially now. Program Open Space has already lost a billion dollars that should have been used for buying land, and that will never be replaced. As Maryland continues to grow, we must preserve our special places now for us and for future generations. Once land is lost to development, it can never be recovered.

Decisions are currently being made in the House. Please take time TODAY to contact the following legislators and tell them to work to restore the $115 million in transfer tax revenue swept in the 2016 budget and to include a good-faith plan to get back to the required funding formula. Only by fully funding Program Open Space can we ensure that our special places are still here in the Maryland of tomorrow.

The Honorable Michael Busch, Speaker of the House: (410) 841-3800

The Honorable Maggie McIntosh, Chair, House Appropriations Committee:  (410) 841-3990 or

The Honorable Adrienne Jones, Chair, House Capital Budget Subcommittee:  (410) 841-3391 or

Members of the House Appropriations committee, most importantly the House Capital Budget Subcommittee (2nd one listed)

To find out more, visit the Partners for Open Space website.