October 9 Trail Ride Celebrating the Life of Naomi Manders: A Huge Success

On October 9, 2021 EPIC hosted a trail ride at its Breezy Loop trails complex in honor of Naomi Manders. Naomi, one of the founding directors of EPIC in 2006, passed away on January 4, 2021.

More than 60 people attended the event which was held at the Potomac Pony Club grounds at the Breezy Loop trail head. Approximately 25 riders joined in a great trail ride. Our President,

Allan Noble led the first group (walk trot canter) while Julie Kingsbury led a second walking group with our vice president Tom Gutierrez riding drag. The weather was perfect for a great ride and everyone had a good time.

After the ride EPIC sponsored a free lunch which was served by members of the Potomac Pony Club. This was followed by a dedication ceremony in honor of Naomi Manders. A special plaque was unveiled honoring Naomi. This will be prominently displayed at the Breezy Loop Trail head.

There were three speakers, Allan Noble, Tom Gutierrez and Naomi’s son, Chris Scharf. They recounted some of Naomi’s life as it related to her dedication to the equestrian community. She was a passionate trail rider and worked tirelessly building and maintaining so many of the natural trails that we see here in Montgomery County. Nicknamed “Spurs,” she was a leader in her field. She spent a good part of her professional life working for the Montgomery County Parks Department as head of their Natural Surface Trails Section. In this capacity, she was responsible for planning, building and maintaining many of the trails used today by equestrians, hikers and bikers in Montgomery County.

EPIC was indeed fortunate when she agreed to join the founding EPIC board in 2006. From that time until shortly before she passed away, she served as our trail coordinator — planning, establishing and seeing to the maintenance of our wonderful trail complex. She will be sorely missed and her shoes will be hard to fill.