Breezy Loop Complex: Kay Family Trail, Mike’s Loop, Breezy Loop, Bucklodge Loop, Turtle Trail and Gilliam Farm Loop
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ABOUT The Breezy Loop Complex
EPIC’s Breezy Loop Complex features multiple connected loops with a single trailhead at the Potomac Pony Club field (19301 Bucklodge Road). Riders can complete the system in 2-3 hours, depending on pace and route. The trails offer stream crossings, scenic views of Sugarloaf Mountain, and Montgomery County’s largest historic barn on Old Bucklodge Road.
Trailhead/Parking – Potomac Pony Club field (19301 Bucklodge Rd)
Breezy Loop – 5 mi (yellow)
Bucklodge Loop – 1.6 mi (red) Parallels/crosses Bucklodge Creek
Kay Family Trail – 2 mi (green)
Turtle Trail – 1.8 mi (blue)
Gilliam Farm Loop – 1.4 mi (orange)
Mike’s Loop – 1.6 mi (purple)
This trail complex is open to the public. Please do not stray from the trails. A perimeter map is also available (see below), showing a route that connects all six trails to maximize total distance without any doubling back.
Recent Additions
Mike’s Loop honors EPIC’s founder, Mike Rubin. It forms a large loop around farm fields south of the railroad tracks, connecting with Gilliam Farm Trail. The land was farmed by the Gilliam family in the 1940s-60s.
Kay Family Trail is named for longtime EPIC supporters. It traverses a wooded area west of White Ground Road, features an easy stream crossing, and suits all rider levels.
Turtle Trail & Box Turtle Habitat
The Turtle Trail is named after a box turtle relocation project led by the Humane Society of the U.S. (HSUS) and Mike Rubin as part of environmental mitigation for the Intercounty Connector (ICC). Turtles displaced by construction were captured, relocated, and studied in two large pens before being released with GPS trackers. ⚠️ Watch for turtles on the trail! Box turtles often rest in the middle of the path.
Happy Trails!
Map Showing Individual Trails
The Breezy Loop Complex includes six trails. See below for printable PDF and QR code to access the interactive map. Please note: you must be logged into your AllTrails (free or plus) account to access the maps using the link or QR code below.
Perimeter Map
This map shows the perimeter of all six trails to maximize total distance without any doubling back. See below for printable PDF and QR code to access the interactive map. Please note: that you must be logged into your AllTrails account to access the maps using the link or QR code below.
“The Turtle Trail is so named because of its proximity to the site of a box turtle habitat relocation effort by the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).”
—Mike Rubin, landowner and EPIC co-founder
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