To better understand EPIC’s purpose and mission it is important to understand the importance of horses in Montgomery County.
Background on the importance of the horse community in Montgomery County:
Montgomery County is Maryland's most populous county, and is located adjacent to the Nation’s Capital. It is home to more than 12,000 horses. The horse community contributes almost $200 million annually to Montgomery County and the surrounding area. Equestrian businesses (feed, tack, vet, training, boarding) as well as the horse industry (breeding and racing) occupy a significant place in the county’s economic landscape. Open space for horse farms, pasture, trails and training facilities is a requirement for the continued existence of this horse community and the benefits it provides to our economy and environment.
There are more than 20,000 acres of farmland devoted to horse farms in Montgomery County. The county is home to the largest number of “equine places” (2,600) of any county in Maryland. Of all the horse facilities that offer access the trail riding, an astonishing 94% report using private lands for equestrian trails or access to public lands. More than 4000 Montgomery County residents are involved in equestrian activities. The total value of all equine related assets in Maryland is more than $5 billion. Equine related expenditures in Maryland totaled more than three quarters of a billion dollars in 2002. Horse people own an estimated 685,000 acres of Maryland land. We recognize that loss of open space and farmland to development is an issue important, not just for equestrians, but for all county residents who enjoy hiking, biking, birdwatching or just enjoying local produce and the overall benefits of open space. The same land that is intended for preservation for agricultural purposes, such as the Agricultural Reserve, also sustains Montgomery County's horse population.
Allan Noble, EPIC’s president, enjoys riding the trails EPIC has established over the years.
EPIC’S Purpose and Mission
Maintain and increase equestrian access to, and use of, public and private lands by working with equestrians, landowners, farmers, developers, horse facilities, state and county government and others to establish trail agreements, easements and other legal means toward the establishment of a well mapped, countywide equestrian trail system.
Support legislation and zoning to increase and/or maintain equestrian access to public and private lands.
Work with public and private landowners to establish and maintain equestrian trails on public and private lands.
Conduct and/or sponsor trail rides and programs to promote and educate the public about the values and benefits of trail riding.
Support the protection of Montgomery County’s Agricultural “Ag” Reserve.
What EPIC Does
Over the years, EPIC has lobbied state and local government and testified in support of legislation to increase and maintain equestrian access to public and private lands. EPIC has testified before Montgomery County zoning authorities to make as many lands as possible open to equestrian use.
Since its inception, EPIC has worked to create model public equestrian trail systems on private and public land. It has developed and maintains the Breezy Loop and Dry Seneca Trail systems. The majority of the trails that we ride on are on private land, and use of these trails is mostly based on handshake agreements with property owners.
EPIC’s past Accomplishments
Achieving a moratorium on the use of sand mound septic systems (sand mounds are a faster alternative to conventional septic systems for developers);
Providing representation on the county council’s Agricultural Issues Task Force which provided recommendations to the council on management of the Agricultural Reserve;
Testifying in support of the protection of Thompson Farm in the county’s Legacy Open Space program;
Conducting a Montgomery County Equestrian Survey in 2008;
Provided funding for Woodstock Equestrian Park;
Participating in the county’s zoning rewrite process regarding required equestrian regulations;
Sending periodic action alert membership emails in support of local equestrian and conservation interests;
Creating resources for documentation of public use easements;
Establishing trail easements and parkland dedications that can accommodate trails.
New Trails
September 2007 — Established the first phase of the Dry Seneca Creek Phase I and hosted a trail ride in Poolesville.
May 2008 — Debuted the Dry Seneca Creek Phase II trail and hosted a trail ride.
November 2008 — Opened the Breezy Loop trail and hosted a ride in Boyds.
June 2009 — Expanded the Breezy Loop to include the Turtle Trail and hosted a benefit trail ride with proceeds benefiting Great and Seall and Circle of Hope therapeutic riding programs.
2010 — Expended the Breezy Loop to include the Little Bucklodge Branch Creek Trail and hosted a trail ride in Boyds.
2011 — Hosted a guided trail ride at Woodstock Equestrian Park.
Meetings and Events
October 2006 — Community gathering at the historic Comus Inn with informative presentations from the Montgomery County Soil Conservation District and Montgomery County Economic Development Office. The forum was a fantastic opportunity to ask questions and exchange information about equine farm management.
July 2007 through 2011 — EPIC is one of the lead sponsors and beneficiaries of the annual Green Cup Polo Challenge. The event is hosted by the Capitol Polo Club in Poolesville and is aimed at raising awareness of environmental issues.
2007 and Ongoing — Sponsorship of five community meetings on equestrian issues attended by equestrians and others from throughout the county.
March 2008 — EPIC’s first annual meeting at the Seneca Lodge in Germantown.
March 2011 — Hosted Bomb-proofing Clinic with Sgt. Rick Pelicano as a benefit for EPIC.
November 2011 — Hosted used tack sale.
December 2011 — Partnered with Hilary Moore Dressage for An EPIC Day of Holiday Shopping in Germantown.
Grants Funding and Community Sponsorships
September 2008 — Recipient of $3,000 Mid-Atlantic Farm Credit Grant to help facilitate the implementation of the updated Montgomery County Equestrian Survey.
June 2009 — EPIC hosted a benefit trail ride for Circle of Hope and Great and Small therapeutic riding programs.
June 2009 — EPIC sponsored the Alex Hartner Memorial Jumper Show at Canterbury Farm in Boyds (proceeds benefit an equestrian scholarship at the Butler Montessori School).
June 2009 — EPIC placed an advertisement in a Capitol Region Pony Club Show Jumping Rally program at Loch Moy Farm.
May 2010 — Placed an advertisement in the Potomac Hunt Races program in Poolesville, had prime banner placement on a steeplechase jump at the finish line and staffed a booth.
May 2011 — Placed an advertisement in the Potomac Hunt Races program in Poolesville, had prime banner placement on a steeplechase jump at the finish line and staffed a booth.
2011 — Made a $500 donation to the Frederick County Equine Alliance
January 2012 — Received $2,000 grant from the Maryland Horse Industry Board for the expansion of the Breezy Loop Trail system in Boyds.
July 2006 and ongoing — EPIC amassed a network of affiliates including equestrian groups, businesses, and stables.
2006 and ongoing — Establishment of a mechanism to receive and maintain easements.
2007 and ongoing — EPIC launched its website back in 2007 and has recently revamped the entire site. It’s a great resource of information on equestrian issues, events, activities, area maps and more.
2008 and ongoing — EPIC continues to apply GPS technology to map its trails, including Dry Seneca and the Breezy Loop rides to facilitate increased trail access.
2008 and ongoing — Publication of EPIC’s quarterly newsletter.